Leadership Training Singapore

Action Leadership Centre - Training for Leaders by Leaders

Bringing the Leaders in Leadership Training Programmes to you

We know standing out as a leader is a challenge


so we roll out programmes to help you


Looking for the best in leadership training?

Our leadership training programmes are conducted by leaders who have led multi-million corporations and walked in the shoes of leadership.  Don't just settle for the popular names because you do not want to train leaders who are just popular, you want the real stuff that works. Give your organisation the best by getting trainers with real business world experience and don't just harp the theory, we don't just walk the talk, we will share our journey with you. 

Training Programmes:

  • Process and Service Innovation
  • Design thinking process
  • Thinking skills for leaders
  • Creativity
  • Leading authentically
  • Change Management

Learn more about our leadership training programmes...


 Our trainers have trained:

3COM mindef OCBC Razer netroworkx


Don't leave leadership training to chance!
Find out why we stand out from the crowd today!

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" ...I began to believe in myself in a more authentic way. This new-found surge in confidence yielded several career highlights for me... "

- Lee Jin-Hwui
HR Manager