Leadership Training Singapore

Action Leadership Centre - Training for Leaders by Leaders

Leadership training for leaders
Does your team LOVE to work with their bosses?


We put the Authenticity back into Leadership Training

Because your Leaders deserve the best


How sound do you think your management team is? Take this quick test and see if you find the following traits that might be sabotaging your organisation's success.

  1. The Victim, his hands are always tied and there's always upper management that restricts this leader's ability to stand up for anything.  Usually says "No choice.."
  2. The Judge, if it's good "I did it", if it isn't "they did it" and usually stands on the winning side to punish his team impartially.
  3. The Unlucky One, there's always something that comes along that spoils that perfect plan and usually says "We/I should have...but...(insert reason)" been the one winning the idea, some how someone ruins his plans, all the time.
  4. The Blurry Champion, information provided is usually very vague and open for free interpretation by everyone.  If things go wrong, he doesn't take responsibility as it becomes clear he didn't tell them to do it and there was "miscommunication".  If all is well, he did a great job leading.

If any of your managers scores with any of the above, it's time to take action.  Chances are your employees are just only following instructions passed down from the top and are working with their bosses because they feel the need to do it. 

In short, you are not getting the best out of them!

Our leadership and management training programmes stands out from the crowd because we do not just harp on the theory, we have been there and done that! We will transform your leaders into role models where everyone just LOVE to work with them.  We will transform your management into Happy SUCCESSFUL Working Teams!

We understand that getting the right trainer to train your leaders can be a daunting task,  so call us for a no obligation meeting and we can discuss what we can do for your organisation!

Don't leave leadership training to chance!
Find out why we are authentically the leaders today!

Leave your contact details here and we'll get back to you on how we can train your leaders to deliver the best from your team!
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" ...I began to believe in myself in a more authentic way. This new-found surge in confidence yielded several career highlights for me... "

- Lee Jin-Hwui
HR Manager